I've got to say, cake pops could very well be the best thing I've ever had, on a stick. Since their creation by the creative food blogger, Bakerella, they have taken our world by storm. Starbucks has even begun selling these little bites of heaven. Some will argue they do not taste quite like an authentic cake pop, but I think they come pretty darn close.
Who doesn't love cake? I mean our first birthdays are always made monumental, by the iconic handprint in the cake. One of our very first important experiences involves cake. Every year after, we are reminded of our birth with a special--cake. Since cake is not always convinent, it is nice to have other forms such as cupcakes, and cake pops. They are bite-sized and sooo good! They can also be good for those watching their figure, and are just in need of a tiny splurge.
So what exactly is a cake pop? To those who are new to the term, it is a combination of cake and frosting, which is then dipped in melted candy melts. Sounds pretty easy doesn't it? Well actually, it really is.The only thing that is required is, practice. They can be a little tricky on first attempt, but you will be able to master them in no time!
Basically, the texture of a cake pop is somewhat like cookie dough(that tastes like cake batter). If you like either of those two things, then you will LOVE cake pops! I've been wanting to make a batch for a while, and figure it would be a great opportunity to show how it's done. Have fun, don't worry if they don't look perfect. They will still taste great!
I decided to make Tiffany Blue cake pops for a classy and sophisticated twist...
You Will Need:
Cake mix(and ingredients for prep.) frosting, candy melts, lollipop sticks, cello bags, and a stand for the sticks.
step 1:

Prepare cake according to box directions.
Step 2:

Crumble cake in a bowl
step 3:

add 1/2 to 3/4 can of frosting
Step 4:

mix together with your hands. (You will get VERY messy!)
Step 5:

Place candy melts in a bowl and microwave according to the directions on the bag.
step 6:

Roll into indivual balls (around 36-48 depending on size)
Step 7:

Dip the top of the lollipop stick in the melted candy melts.
Step 8:

Stick the lollipop stick into one of the cake balls. (The candy melt will act as an adhesive)
Step 9:

Repeat with remaining cake balls.
Step 10:

Spoon the melted candy melts onto each cake pop to coat it. Make sure cake pop is sideways, allowing any excess coating to drip off. Do not dip the cake pops, because it will pull the cake ball right off the stick! Top the pops with sprinkles (or edible pearls and diamonds, like i've done).
Pretty edible diamonds!
Step 11:

Once the pops have cooled, take each pop and place them in a cello bag, Then tie each bag with a cute bow for an added touch.
Step 12: Bon Appetit!